Dangerous version of HIV found in Netherlands, weakens immune system rapidly

The Netherlands has discovered a new form of HIV. According to some, this strain spreads faster than other HIV types and causes more damage to the immune system. On Thursday, Oxford researchers announced that they had discovered a deadly strain of HIV that had been lurking in the Netherlands for decades. He says there is nothing to worry about because of the effectiveness of modern treatments.

A new, more dangerous form of HIV has been discovered in the Netherlands. It rapidly weakens your immune system

Washington: The Netherlands has discovered a new form of HIV. According to some, this strain spreads faster than other HIV types and causes more damage to the immune system. On Thursday, Oxford researchers announced that they had discovered a deadly strain of HIV that had been lurking in the Netherlands for decades. He says there is nothing to worry about because of the effectiveness of modern treatments.

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The name of the new variant is “VB Variant”. The researchers published their analysis Thursday in Science. This showed that the virus levels in this type of infected patients were between 3.5 and 5.5 times that of the other type. His immune system also declined sharply.

The study found that patients with the VB-variant had similar rates of immune system recovery and survival rates as patients with other types.

“This new version is nothing to be concerned about,” Chris Wyment (an Oxford epidemiologist and the study’s lead author) told AFP in an interview.

Researchers believe the version originated in the Netherlands in the late 1980s or early 1990s. However, it started declining in 2010.

The research team thinks that modern HIV treatments are still working on the version and this may explain why the Netherlands has seen widespread HIV treatment. It is important to detect and treat the virus early.

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